Moot Court organized by bpv BRAUN PARTNERS knows the winner!

Last Tuesday bpv BRAUN PARTNERS held the final round of another year of the labour law Moot Court, organized by our office and ELSA Prague.

The best four teams from the first round proceeded to a simulated court hearing where they had to make a statement on the legal action, examine a witness and make a closing statement as counsel for the plaintiff or defendant before a panel of three judges: the partner Pavel Vintr, senior associate Adam Stawaritsch, and associate Anna Rubriciusová.
The winning team was Lucie Heráčková (Prague) a Marek Jankovský (Prague), with Tomáš Holický (Brno) a Tomáš Belada (Pilsen)coming in second. Both teams received a financial reward. The competition also included an award for best orator, who received an offer to complete an internship at our offices. This award went to Tomáš Holický (Brno).
Big congratulation to all! We appreciate the high level of the competence all students had.

Two bpv Huegel Partners honoured with Lexology Client Choice Awards 2022

21 November 2022. The prestigious Lexology Client Choice Awards were given in 2022 to only seven Austrian lawyers – two of them are partners at bpv Huegel.

Christian F. Schneider, Partner and Head of Public Economic Law at bpv Huegel, obtained the Client Choice Award in the category “Energy & Natural Resources”. Georg Rupprecht was awarded the prize in the category “Restructuring & Insolvency“.

The Client Choice Awards, which have been presented by the International Law Office together with Lexology since 2005, honour lawyers around the world that stand apart for the excellent client care they provide and the quality of their service. The criteria for this recognition focus on the ability to add real value to the clients’ business above and beyond the other players in the market. Nominations can only be made by in-house counsels.

The prize I was awarded is a very special recognition for my work since it confirms the particular confidence my clients have in me” Christian F. Schneider is delighted.

And Georg Rupprecht points out: “I am very pleased to obtain that distinction. It demonstrates to me that my clients are continuously satisfied with my work.

For both lawyers, it is not the first Client Choice Award in the said categories: Christian F. Schneider was honoured the second time after 2020, and Georg Rupprecht was already awarded the prize the third time after 2019 and 2021.

Press release


The Lawyer European Awards 2022: bpv Huegel again shortlisted as “Law Firm of the Year – Austria”

Happy that bpv Huegel is again shortlisted as “Law Firm of the Year – Austria” at The Lawyer European Awards 2022.

The renowned British magazine “The Lawyer” just announced the shortlist for this year’s awards. The prestigious awards highlight the outstanding work of the European legal market.

Congratulations to all firms on the shortlist.

We look forward to the awards ceremony on 29 November. Fingers crossed!

To see the full shortlist, please see the link

bpv BRAUN PARTNERS assisted Austrian real estate company Immofinanz in one of the largest real estate transactions in the CEE region.

bpv BRAUN PARTNERS advised its client, IMMOFINANZ, on the acquisition of 53 retail properties from CPI Property Group (CPIPG).

The properties, with a total leasable area of 217,000 sqm, are located in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, with bpv BRAUN PARTNERS acting as lead counsel for all of these jurisdictions, given that the largest number of properties in the portfolio is in the Czech Republic – specifically 30 properties with a leasable area of almost 90,000 sqm.

The advisory included legal due diligence on the Czech portfolio, preparation of complete transaction documentation for all jurisdictions and settlement of the transaction, all by a team consisting of partners Miroslav Dudek and Gabriela Špak Porupková, associates Pavlína Tejralová and Filip Baloušek and associate Pavel Březina.

The value of the transaction amounts to EUR 324.2 million (almost CZK 8 billion), making it one of the most significant transactions this year not only in the Czech Republic but also in the whole CEE region. In September 2022, the acquisition of 36 properties in the Czech Republic and Poland with a leasable area of 108,000 sqm was completed. The purchase price for the Czech and Polish part of the property portfolio amounted to EUR 191 million. The purchase of the remaining 17 properties in Hungary and Slovakia is to be completed by the end of 2022.

In addition to bpv BRAUN PARTNERS, the buyer received advice from Penteris (legal advisors for the Polish part of the transaction), HKV (legal advisors for the Slovak part of the transaction), Oppenheim (legal advisors for the Hungarian part of the transaction), TPA (financial and tax advisors), Oterea (technical advisors) and CBRE (commercial real estate services).

Rules for heating and hot water during emergency state and news on energy-saving tariff

Several proposals for implementing regulations in the energy sector have been published in recent days in the Czech Republic.

(a) Proposed decree stipulating special rules for heating and hot water supplies during a preemergency state or state of emergency

The first proposal is the decree proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade that would regulate the temperature for heating and the temperature for hot water supply in the event of an impending or existing outage in natural gas supply. The decree would only be used to regulate heat coming from heat supply grids (typically heat plants) or central heating (household boilers) and shared preparation of hot water, both of which use fossil fuels exclusively. The decree does not affect premises with central heating (heat plants, household boilers) that do not use fossil fuels exclusively or that make heat or prepare hot water themselves (e.g. they have an electric or gas boiler or use solar collectors). Heat supply The proposed decree also stipulates the methods of measuring the temperature in rooms and prohibits planned repairs, maintenance and revisions that could restrict or suspend heating during the heating period. The proposed decree stipulates that the average temperature of inside air will correspond to the values given in the table under this link and will apply:

• between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm for living rooms;

• during operating hours for other premises;

• during off hours for other rooms and between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am for living rooms heating will be restricted or briefly interrupted in a scope maintaining the requirements of lowering the temperature to ensure thermal stability in the rooms and, during nonoperating hours, other heated areas as required.

Hot water supply

The proposal would limit the temperature for hot water to 45 °C to 60 °C at the consumer between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm. This restriction can be made year-round and is not limited to the heating season as with heat supplies. The proposed decree is available in full at this link. Considering the significant opposition from the general public and experts alike, it is possible that some of the numbers in the decree will be adjusted.

(b) Proposed energy-saving tariff for 2022 and 2023

The Ministry of Industry and Trade also published two proposed regulations that would stipulate the details for providing the contribution to cover the costs for energy in 2022 and 2023.

Proposal for 2022

The Proposal for 2022 stipulates the conditions for the contribution to electricity for households with a direct contract with the supplier. The contribution will be provided for offtake points where the so-called “D” rate (D01d, D02d, etc.) is assigned. The decree is poorly worded, as it can be interpreted to mean that the contribution is not to be granted for offtake points that would have a claim to the contribution but are registered in the name of a person with a Business ID No. (IČO) (regardless of whether that person actually does business in that location or not). That would mean that approx. 1 million people would not have the right to collect the contribution to electricity for their apartment. This unfortunate construction has already been pointed out. Another oversight could be considered the fact that the contribution is not to apply to electricity consumption for common areas of the building. Increasing energy prices for these areas will, however, be reflected in increased advance payments for services associated with housing, which is contrary to the originally intended purpose of the regulation.

Conditions for and amount of the contribution

The Proposal for 2022 stipulates that the customer must meet the conditions for granting the contribution (registration of the customer’s offtake point in the OTE information system and the agreed relevant distribution rate for providing the distribution grid services) as of August 23, 2022. The specific amount of the contribution for 2022 will be 2,000 to 3,500 CZK, depending on the distribution rate. Rates with lower consumption will have a higher contribution. However, for higher consumption rates, it is foreseen that additional savings will be provided by waiving the obligation to pay the contribution to the POZE. The support will apply to distribution rates D01d, D02d, D25d, D26d, D27d, D35d, D45d, D56d and D57d. This means that rate D27d, which households usually use to charge electric cars, remains in the preliminary list. By contrast, rate D61d, which is typically used by owners of houses in the countryside, is missing. The specific amount of the Contribution can be found at

How will the payment of the contribution work?

The customer does not need to apply for the allowance, it is granted automatically through his supplier. All the administration is up to the electricity trader and OTE. The electricity trader is required to reflect the contribution in the next advance payments in the amount of at least one third of the contribution and at most the agreed or set amount for the advance payment, and to do so repeatedly until the contribution has been fully used up or until the next electricity billing statement is made. If the remaining part of the contribution is less than one third of the contribution after being counted towards the previous advance payment or after being counted towards debts, the remaining amount is to be reflected in the advance payment.


If a household pays advance payments of CZK 1500 a month, for instance, and receives a contribution of CZK 2000 under the regulation, the supplier will be required to set off at least CZK 500 and at most the total prescribed advance payment, i.e. CZK 1500, from the advance payment each month until the entire contribution has been used. If they choose the maximum value, then CZK 1500 will be set off the first month and the remainder, i.e. CZK 500, the next month. If it is not possible to set off the entire contribution for the customer (e.g. because the electricity trader issued the normal invoice before “using up” the entire contribution), the supplier should be set off in the billing statement. It will not be possible to apply the contribution to contractual penalties, reminder fees for overdue electricity payments, etc. The customer will be able to make a warranty claim on incorrect application of the contribution within two months of issuing the proof of billing.

Proposal for 2023

Contribution to electricity and gas

The Proposal for 2023 gives the same overall conditions for claiming the contribution to electricity as the Proposal for 2022. The amount of the contribution in the case of electricity should be from CZK 400 (rate D01d), over CZK 800 (rate D02d) to CZK 1500 (rate D25d), respectively CZK 2000 for rates D26d to D57d. Paradoxically, therefore, the support for 2023 is not only lower and, but the lower rates will receive a contribution that will cover only units of percent of the price of MWh of electricity. The support for gas is to apply only to offtake points for households that are registered in the OTE information system as of December 21, 2022 and that have registered planned annual gas consumption up to 45 MWh. No subsidy will be provided above this consumption. The specific amount of the electricity and gas subsidy can again be found at, but the amount is only symbolic. The decisive factor for receiving the contribution for electricity and gas will be that the offtake point for electricity/gas is registered in the OTE system by no later than December 21, 2022 and that a “supported” D distribution rate (electricity) has been agreed or the gas consumption is registered and planned.  However, the Proposal for 2023 also deals with contributions for customers in apartment buildings, i.e. customers who secure electricity and/or gas supply without being license holders (homeowners’ associations or cooperatives). They will have to provide the distribution grid operator to whose grid their offtake point is connected with complete and truthful information about the number of apartments for which the customer draws on electricity and/or gas by no later than November 30, 2022. If the information is not provided in time, the distributor will proceed based on the information available to it. The process for reflecting payments, making warranty claims and handling funds is similar to the method described above in the Proposal for 2022.

Contribution to heat for 2023

Support for heat is stipulated starting on January 1, 2023. The decisive date by which the heat supply must be agreed for reflecting the contribution to heat for 2023 for the customer’s offtake point is September 30, 2022. We feel the different deadlines for being able to collect the contribution is a mistake. The customer (usually a homeowners’ association or cooperative, but also households with a direct contract) must file a request to apply the contribution to heat to the ERO-licensed heat supplier to whose heat source or heat distribution equipment their offtake heat equipment is connected by November 30, 2022. If the heat in the building is supplied by a heat supplier with a license to distribute heat (typically small, local heat stations intended for an apartment building), the customer will file a request to apply the contribution to heat and provide the information pursuant to paragraph 1 to the heat supplier by November 25, 2022.

Regulations are expected to be issued in the next few weeks that will result in the waiver of the support for POZEs for 2022 and 2023.

We will be happy to discuss any questions you may have. Contact us at:

Insolvency law

The first two articles on Czech and Slovak insolvency law were published in ZinsO, one of the two main legal German magazines on insolvency law.

They are part of a series on insolvency law in our bpv jurisdictions. Hungary and Romania are to follow next.

Update of the Czech insolvency law by Arthur Braun and Adam Stawaritsch, bpv Braun Partners, Prague:

Update of the Slovak insolvency law by Arthur Braun and Martin Provazník, bpv Braun Partners, Bratislava. 


bpv BRAUN PARTNERS party 2022

We welcomed more than 250 friends and clients for the first post-covid bpv summer event at the newly refurbished Žofín garden and enjoyed together a relaxed evening at the longest day of the year. Interesting talks, great food and drinks as well as pleasant piano and DJ music made this event one of our highlights in 2022.

bpv BRAUN PARTNERS advised J&T REAL ESTATE CZ on the sale of the Red Court building in Prague Karlín to BlackBird Real Estate


bpv BRAUN PARTNERS advised J&T REAL ESTATE CZ, a.s. on the sale of the premium office project Red Court in Prague – Karlín.

Legal services included due diligence support, preparation and negotiation of transaction documentation and closing of the transaction. The exclusive tenant of the building, which was designed by the renowned CMC architects studio inspired by the atmosphere and history of the site, is the industrial-technology holding Czechoslovak Group (CSG), which concentrates its Prague staff here. bpv BRAUN PARTNERS has advised on this very matter in recent months.

The real estate team consisting of partners Gabriela Špak Porupková and Miroslav Dudek provided legal advice. The building with 8 above-ground and 3 underground floors offers over 7,000 sqm of space, including a generous roof terrace, a bike room or showers – exactly according to the current trends in Karlin. In addition, it has been certified Leed Gold, the second highest award of the Leed standard, which assesses the environmental impact and sustainability of buildings. J&T Real Estate is a developer dedicated to real estate projects that are interesting and extraordinary in their vision and architecture. They strive to implement solutions with superior utility value for local citizens, tenants and the surrounding environment. The emphasis is on design, materials and execution. All of this has made their projects – which include the Rustonka office complex or the Kampa residence – long-term profitable investments for more than a decade.