Dispute with the insolvency trustee for Viktoriagruppe concludes in favour of the Czech state

A final ruling has been made after several years of litigation in which which bpv BRAUN PARTNERS, led by partner Marc Müller, represented the Czech Ministry of Finance in the first two instances of an international dispute with the insolvency trustee for Viktoriagruppe.
In mid-February 2021 the civil panel at the Federal Court of Justice (where the Czech Ministry of Finance was represented by Mennemeyer & Rädler) dismissed a complaint by the insolvency trustee against the ruling of the Higher Regional Court in Munich, which stipulated that the insolvency trustee must respect the decision of the Czech financial and customs administration. This provided new confirmation of the rulings of the lower court as well as the court of appeal, which supported our client’s legal opinion regarding its rights concerning the insolvency proceedings for Viktoriagruppe, which exceed 5 million euros in value.