Daniel Stefanica of bpv GRIGORESCU STEFANICA joins ICC Fraudnet, the leading global network of law firms specializing in tackling business crime

We are proud to announce that our firm’s partner, Daniel Stefanica, has joined ICC FraudNet. Founded in 2004 by the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), FraudNet operates under the auspices of the ICC’s London-based Commercial Crime Services unit and is an international network of independent lawyers who are the leading civil asset recovery specialists in each country. Membership of ICC FraudNet is by invitation only, and Daniel and our firm are the first-ever Romanian members of the network.
“We are honoured to have been invited to join the exclusive network of ICC FraudNet. It is a confirmation of all the hard work and of the reputation build by our team in Romania and internationally. We look forward to bringing the network’s stellar expertise in fighting big crime to clients and enforcement agencies in Romania“, said Daniel Stefanica. “ICC FraudNet offers our client the necessary platform to pursue the recovery of business crime proceeds in every corner of the world. The knowledge base and the global reach fit very well into our existing practice, especially in connection with cybercrime, tax evasion and financial services fraud“, adds Catalin Grigorescu, managing Partner of bpv GRIGORESCU STEFANICA.
ICC FraudNet’s membership extends to every continent and the world’s major economies, as well as leading offshore wealth havens that have complex bank secrecy laws and institutions where the proceeds of fraud often are hidden. Since its creation, ICC FraudNet members have recovered billions of dollars for victims of some of the world’s largest and most sophisticated global frauds involving insurance, commodities, banking, grand corruption and bankruptcy/insolvency. Chambers Global recognizes ICC FraudNet as the world’s leading asset recovery legal network.
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