bpv Legal Academy for the 9th time already!

For the 9th time already, bpv LEGAL organized the traditional one-day bpv LEGAL Academy 2023, where 36 young participants from the alliance offices discussed M&A topics.
This year the lecturers Arthur Braun (bpv Braun Partners), Sebastian Reiter, Stefan Gaug, Nicolas Wolski and Christian Schneider (all bpv Hügel) shared and discussed know-how in topics such as Organization of a Due Diligence, Pitfalls in Tax Due Diligence, transformation of Due Diligence results into Reps & Warranties, Reliance Letters, FDI control, and State Aid Law Aspects in Due Diligence.
After a challenging day, we had the opportunity to meet and share our experiences in a pleasant K+K atmosphere at dinner in one of the best restaurants in the city center of Bratislava and to enjoy the vibrant Friday night life downtown.