bpv BRAUN PARTNERS adds German attorney Tomáš Chmelík to its Prague team
As of 1 September, bpv BRAUN PARTNERS welcomed Dr. iur. Tomáš Chmelík, LL.M., a German attorney and established European lawyer in the Czech Republic specializing in German law, intellectual property, IT and e-commerce and data protection (GDPR). “We are delighted that Tomas has decided to return to the Czech Republic after many years in Germany and will assist us with his expertise both in Czech legal advice and in solving problems of Czech companies in Germany. I am delighted that these personnel changes continue to confirm our leading position in German law, which we specialise in on the local Czech market,” said Managing Partner Arthur Braun, welcoming the new colleague. Tomáš graduated from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Law School (Staatsexamen, Dr. iur.) and the University of Edinburgh (LL.M.) in the UK, where he focused on intellectual property law. Prior to the German bar examinations, he completed internships at leading German law firms and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. In addition to the Czech Bar Association, he is also a member of the Munich Bar Association, the German-Czech Lawyers’ Association and the DAAD Alumni Club in the Czech Republic. Prior to joining bpv, Tomáš worked as an attorney at Ernst & Young Law GmbH.