
Moot Court organized by bpv BRAUN PARTNERS knows the winner!

Last Tuesday bpv BRAUN PARTNERS held the final round of another year of the labour law Moot Court, organized by our office and ELSA Prague.

The best four teams from the first round proceeded to a simulated court hearing where they had to make a statement on the legal action, examine a witness and make a closing statement as counsel for the plaintiff or defendant before a panel of three judges: the partner Pavel Vintr, senior associate Adam Stawaritsch, and associate Anna Rubriciusová.
The winning team was Lucie Heráčková (Prague) a Marek Jankovský (Prague), with Tomáš Holický (Brno) a Tomáš Belada (Pilsen)coming in second. Both teams received a financial reward. The competition also included an award for best orator, who received an offer to complete an internship at our offices. This award went to Tomáš Holický (Brno).
Big congratulation to all! We appreciate the high level of the competence all students had.